Our Academies

    CEO Welcome

    Dear Visitor,

    Many thanks for taking the time to look at our website. I hope
    you will get a flavour from these pages of the work of The Beckmead Trust
    with our children, families and staff. We welcome visitors so please feel free
    to contact the central team in Croydon to arrange a visit to any of our
    schools to see first-hand the wonderful work of our staff and the fantastic
    achievements of our pupils.

    As a growing trust we have been working hard to ensure a clarity of
    direction is held by all our schools that contributes to and enhances the
    vision of the trust. This vision places improving the life chances of our
    children at the forefront of everything we do and as a trust we feel a moral
    purpose to undertake this work to the best of our ability. We aim to provide
    a united partnership of excellent academies that are primarily linked by
    the non-negotiable values of trust, honesty, integrity, respect and empathy
    enhanced by outstanding local leadership and governance.

    Our schools in Richmond and Essex that are in the pre-opening phase are
    all progressing. The Greenwell Academy in Harlow will open in contingency
    accommodation in September 2023 whilst the Sir Geoff Hurst Academy in
    Chelmsford is aimed to open in 2024. The new provisions in Essex will be
    followed closely by The London River Academy in Richmond which is
    scheduled to open in 2025. Beckmead will also bid for new schools in the
    next round of the Free School programme which will be announced in 2024.
    In the meantime, several schools have approached our trust with
    proposals for joining us – exciting times.

    We were delighted to welcome Flagship School Hastings into the trust on
    1 March. After some months of support the formal transfer of the school
    has enabled the appointment of a permanent leadership team who have
    consolidated the significant improvements in safeguarding that have been
    made at Flagship.

    In the last few weeks the trust has received several inspections from Ofsted
    all of which have had very positive outcomes for the schools involved. This
    external validation of our work reflects the dedication and expertise of our
    staff, the exceptional achievements of our children and the heart-warming
    support we receive from the families we support.

    Many of our pupils talk to me about how worried they are about the impact
    of climate change and what they as individuals and we as an organisation
    can do to mitigate the impact of a hotter world. Beckmead is committed to
    supporting green initiatives and playing its part in teaching and learning
    new habits and behaviours that will support the regeneration of our world.
    The changes I have seen in the climate and seasons since I was a boy are
    staggering. I’m beginning to wonder if within my working lifetime we will
    see adjustments to the times of the school day to provide a cooler learning
    environment for our children.

    In the meantime our organisation will continue to support positive
    initiatives when possible, be outward looking and concerned with issues
    beyond our schools. To this end I am proud to have now led eight trips to
    the Polish / Ukrainian border taking food, medicines and power packs to be
    distributed to civilians caught in the war zone. Many of our schools, children
    and families have supported this initiative and engaged in learning about
    what is happening at the other end of our Continent. Thanks to all for your
    continued support; we will be making our ninth trip to the border in August.
    Wishing everyone the best for the forthcoming summer break

    Thank you for your time in reading this.


    Dr Jonty Clark OBE

    CEO The Beckmead Trust.

    Our Latest News

    • Beckmead Park Academy
    • Beckmead College
    • Chaffinch Brook
    • Beckmead Moundwood Academy
    • The Ropemakers Academy
    • Roundwood School and Community Centre
    • Wells Park School
    • The Flagship School
    • Greenwell Academy
    • Sir Geoff Hurst Academy
    • The London River Academy



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