Articles of Association 

The Beckmead Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Like all companies, the academy trust has a memorandum and articles of association. The memorandum sets out the names of the initial members of the academy trust and the articles are the rules that will govern the running of the company.

The Beckmead Trust Articles of Association can be viewed here

Register of Pecuniary Interests 

All academy trusts trust must keep a register of the up-to-date business and pecuniary interests of members, trustees, local governors and senior employees.

The Beckmead Trust Register of Interests for Members can be found here

The Beckmead Trust Register of Interests for Trustees can be found here

The Beckmead Trust Register of Interests for Officers can be found here

Register of Attendance at Meetings 

Academy trusts must publish meeting attendance records. The register of attendance at meetings for The Beckmead Trusts can be viewed here.