Freedom of Information and Subject Access Requests

The Freedom of Information Act, Environmental Information Regulations and INSPIRE Regulations give you rights to access official information. This does not grant you access to your own data/information, this must be accessed via a Subject Access Request (see below).

Freedom of Information Act

Under the Freedom of Information Act you have a right to request any recorded information held by The Beckmead Trust. For more information regarding the Freedom of Information Act please visit the ICO’s website.

Before you request information

You should:

Making your request

When sending us a request you should:

  • be specific about the information you want, providing a time frame if you can
  • let us know how you’d like to receive the information (by post, email, or in person)
  • provide contact details in case we need to discuss the request with you

If your request is for information that falls within one of the Act’s exemptions we will tell you which one and, in most cases, why the information can’t be given.

Subject Access Requests

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants you the “right to access” otherwise known as a “Subject Access Request”. This allows you or an individual acting on your behalf to request information we hold about you. More information can be found on the ICO’s website.

Making your request

When sending a request, you should contact the appropriate email address below and we will tell you what information you need to provide. This will allow us to verify your identity and will assist us in locating any information you require.

Contact Information

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the Trust. Should you wish to submit a Freedom of Information or Subject Access request, please use the contact details below: - 

Data Protection Officer: Judicium Consulting Limited

Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE



Telephone: 0345 548 7000