Parent / Carer Information
The School Day
Information coming soon.
Remote Education Provision
information coming soon.
If you require travel assistance for your child starting in the September term, please ensure you apply through your local council before 20th April. Your SEN caseworker should be able to support you in this process.
Information that may be required for this process includes the following:
A medical statement or letter from the child’s GP
The most recent copy of your tax credits award notice from HMRC
Name of the child’s allocated Social Worker if the child is looked after by the local authority
Evidence of the parents disability
Evidence that the child requires a passenger assistant, such as documentation from the child’s school or from a medical professional
If you live in Croydon a form can be completed on the Croydon Council website.
Alternatively, you can download and complete this form, and send to
School Meals
Applying for free school meals
All parents including those children in Year 1 & 2, who are currently eligible for free school meals can check their child’s eligibility
Information required for this process includes name, address, national insurance number or asylum support service number. In addition, parents will need to provide their child’s name, date of birth and identify the school they are attending. If your check confirms that you are eligible, please let the school know by email confirmation of your eligibility to: (for Chaffinch Lower) (for Chaffinch Upper)
School meals
Children receive breakfast on arrival and are provided with snacks throughout the day. Breakfast consists of a range of cereals and toast. The snacks provided are fruit, crackers and breadsticks.
The price of a school meal is £2.50 per day.
Please ensure that your child has a credit balance on their Arbor Pay account to cover the cost of their school meals.
Pupils are required to wear the school uniform:
Jumper in navy blue with the school logo in orange
White polo shirt or white shirt
Black/dark grey school trousers (if pupils prefer to wear black jogging trousers this is also acceptable)
Black shoes or trainers
PE Kit
Plimsolls / trainers
White T-shirt
Shorts/tracksuit bottoms
Trainers should be left at school for use during breaks and outdoor activities.
Pupils must be provided with a warm winter coat and when attending off-site activities, and the appropriate clothing must be provided:
Swimming trunks, goggles & towel
Forest Skills wellies & waterproof/warm coat
Trampolining Long Sleeved top, jogging bottoms & socks
BMX (Chaffinch Upper only) Long sleeved top, jogging bottoms and trainers
Please note that on admission, the school will provide 1 jumper, a book bag (CBL only) and PE bag (CBL only). One new jumper will be provided each September for every pupil.
Additional jumpers, book and PE bags can be purchased from the school office:
Jumpers £10
Book Bag £4 (Chaffinch Lower only)
PE Bag £3 (Chaffinch Lower only)
Payments will need to be made through Arbor Pay.
Outreach service
As a school, Chaffinch Brook offers an outreach service to our local Primary and Secondary provisions who need support for pupils with ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) and/or challenging behaviour.
Our outreach offer is tailored to each school but normally consists of an initial phone call, followed by a visit and observation from a member of staff, a discussion with the school team and a report and resources sent to the school to help support the child in the current provision. We also offer follow-up visits at different times of the day or on a more timetabled basis, such as one every half-term. For each outreach request, we do ask the school to fill in a short form which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Members of staff from other provisions are able to visit Chaffinch Brook and either have a tour of the school, or spend some time in the classes to see the resources and strategies we have in place.
If you have any further questions about our outreach offer, please do not hesitate to email us at
Help and Support
The National Autistic Society
The NAS is the leading charity for Autistic people and their families, providing information support and services.
Off the Record
Off the record provide Youth Counselling and Mental Health support in Croydon, Merton and Sutton. They also have a range of useful online workshops and links.
Triple P Parent
A parenting and family support system designed to prevent, as well as treat, behavioural and emotional problems in children. Please let us know if you would like support with the referral.
Croydon Autism Service
This service based at the Cherrry Hub is for individuals with autism, their families and carers that offer a wide range of support. No official diagnosis of autism is needed.
FJC formerly Family Justice Centre
Offering support, comfort and understanding to domestic violence victims and their families - along with easy access to essential services. Please let us know if you need a support with the referral.
Bromley and Croydon Women's Aid
BCWA’s Outreach Team supports women and men experiencing domestic abuse in the community in Croydon who want to know what their options are, and would like a non-judgmental listening ear.
Early Help
Early help is the support we give to children, young people and their families where they have additional needs that are not being met by universal services – for example, their school or GP. The support is given through the Early Help Family Solutions service. Please let us know if you need help with the referral.