Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Provision at The Flagship School starts as soon as our students enter the school grounds. Our staff look to create and constantly build positive relationships with each and every student from their very first day; learning their needs, their personal development, and their social skills.  Building this positive and trusted learning environment, academic progress can then become a focus whilst still continuing to develop positive relationships. 

Social mobility is a core element of our curriculum here at The Flagship School, facilitating social experiences throughout the day during our offer of breakfast, break-time, lunchtime refreshments, allows our students the opportunity to engage with their peers and adults in a purposeful social environment. 

Our core curriculum offer (see below for further details of our 7-13, 14-16, and Equals Core Offers), follows the requirements of the National Curriculum for each child’s age, though delivery of the curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of each individual student. Recognising the developmental stage of each child through our pastoral and nurturing approach to education, allows our staff to be increasingly flexible and versatile with our curriculum.

In addition to this, our curriculum offer also places a higher emphasis on personal, social, cultural and economic development. Specific timetabled lessons surrounding PSHE, Social Life Lessons and Skills Builder, are all purposefully designed to enhance our learners’ ability to conduct themselves successfully in society as they move into adulthood and the world of work. 

The requirements of each young person’s EHCP are taken into account in our daily teaching, supported, where appropriate, by specialist provision such as NHS speech and language therapy and occupational therapy.  Therapists provide one-to-one sessions where appropriate but also work alongside teachers in classrooms whenever possible, to ensure that therapeutic approaches are embedded in classroom teaching.

A significant feature of teaching at Flagship School is our individualised targeted support. Within our staff to student ratio of 8 : 3, we have the facility to provide additional literacy, numeracy and / or social skills sessions for each young person who requires it. Every young person has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that is each term and shared with parents and carers.  Additionally, an Individual Behaviour Support Plan is used to identify and minimise potential risks to each young person.

This academic year we have classrooms ranging from Year 6 up to Year 11. The intent of our core curriculum is to support all of our students in achieving accredited qualifications in order for our learners to continue their journey into the working world or further education with confidence, eloquence and effective social mobility. 

The Flagship School - Core Curriculum Offers

For a more detailed look into our Core Offers at the Flagship School, please select our curriculum documents below.

The Flagship 14-16 Core Curriculum Offer


The Flagship School - Termly Curriculum Leaflets

Each term, our teaching teams produce a termly curriculum leaflet for our classrooms which breaks down the content taught in each subject. For a detailed look into our curriculum delivery in classrooms, per term, please click on the terms below and select a curriculum leaflet on the following page. 

These leaflets are updated as we progress through the terms.

Please visit the Gallery for a closer look into some of the fantastic experiences our students have participated in this year with our dedicated teaching staff!

The Flagship School - Curriculum Subjects

Below are the curriculum subjects that create our Core Offer here at The Flagship School. For an in-depth look into our subjects, please select a subject below.