Curriculum Overview

Curriculum provision at Flagship School starts when young people are greeted as they enter the school grounds and finishes as they leave the grounds in an afternoon.  Since young people are always supported staff who know them well, their personal, social development is always at the top of our agenda and pervades everything that we do in school.

The school uses a nurture group model that sees almost all teaching and social experiences taking place within the class group.  Young people are offered breakfast, break-time and lunch-time refreshments within this group across Key Stages 1, 2 and 3.

Direct teaching follows the requirements of the National Curriculum for the age of the young person.  However, teachers adapt the content, approach and activities they provide to support the stage of development of the young person, taking into account the previous educational history where appropriate.

There is an additional emphasis across the curriculum on personal, social, cultural and economic education (PSHCEE), so that young people have the opportunity to develop the skills to be successful and happy members of society as they move into adulthood.

The requirements of each young person’s EHCP are taken into account in our daily teaching, supported, where appropriate, by specialist provision such as NHS speech and language therapy and occupational therapy.  Therapists provide one-to-one sessions where appropriate but also work alongside teachers in classrooms, whenever possible, to ensure that therapeutic approaches are embedded in classroom teaching.

A feature of teaching in Flagship is the Individualised Targeted Support, providing additional literacy, numeracy and / or social skills sessions for each young person who requires it.

Every young person has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that is reviewed each term and shared with parents and carers.  Additionally an Individual Behaviour Support Plan is used to identify and minimise potential risks to each young person.

Currently, our oldest class group is Year 9 but as these young people move into Key Stage 4 they will be studying a range of accredited courses that best suit their strengths and individual learning styles, in order to ensure that every one of them is able to experience success by the end of Key Stage 4.