Kithurst Academy will be a purpose-built alternative provision in Crawley offering a nurturing, inclusive environment for 120 pupils in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 who may be out of school in a respite placement for their main school, or on their way to being assessed on an Educational Health and Care Plan. The Beckmead Trust is working closely with colleagues in West Sussex to deliver provision and facilities that will offer the best possible opportunities to all the pupils irrespective of their starting points and destinations. We will be opening the new wonderful state-of-the-art school in 2027. We have high expectations for every young person to leave as a confident young adult who is well-prepared for the future. Ensuring that every pupil receives exceptional provision, accessing life-enhancing education and meaningful destinations.
The Beckmead Trust' Schools reflect a commitment to pupils' academic, physical, social, vocational and emotional progress. To give children an opportunity to flourish in all aspects of their lives, the Trust believes in nurturing all members of the school community. We believe the environment needs to reflect this by being warm, purposeful and understandable.
The curriculum presents formal, informal and enriched opportunities for development and progress. This enables the children who graduate from Beckmead to become independent, connected members of the communities where they live and the workplaces that may employ them.