For applications in the normal admissions round you should use the application form provided by East Sussex local authority school admissions team. As a special school we can only accept pupils who are in receipt of an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and the East Sussex Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ISEND) team are responsible for allocating pupils to us, rather than direct applications.
The majority of our pupils have Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs as their primary need in their EHCP. We specialise in supporting pupils who have experienced early life emotional trauma, adverse childhood experiences, or suffer with broader emotional challenges such as ADHD, anxiety, social withdrawal and so on. We do have some children with neurodiversity conditions such as autism, learning disabilities and so on; however, we are not specialised in these areas and so it is important we work together to understand each child's inidivudal profile to avoid any future distress.
You can work with the support of the SEND team within your Local Authority if your child is in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and you live outside of East Sussex. If you live in East Sussex and you are interested in a placement at The Ropemakers’ Academy then you should contact your child’s designated Assessment and Planning Office at the East Sussex ISEND team. More information is available here. If you would like to access independent support for your child’s special educational needs then you can access details of the local authority’s commissioned parent and child support service, Amaze SENDIASS, here.
You will receive an offer for a School place directly from your local authority. They will consult with us as a school to ensure that we are able to meet your child’s needs.
Further information on our admissions processes can be found in our Admissions Policy.