Ethos & Values

Wells Park School is committed to creating a structured, safe environment that encourages a positive learning ethos in social interaction and communication. Our aim is to deliver a balanced curriculum that supports the holistic development of our students.

The Staff and Governors of the school have agreed upon the following aims:

Learning Potential

To enable each child to reach their potential by providing a curriculum of opportunity and discovery.

Independence and Confidence

To equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to use them independently and with increasing confidence.

Positive Social Interaction

To nurture positive social interaction, fostering healthy relationships and effective communication.

Community Membership

To enable our pupils and staff to understand and value themselves as members of a community, encouraging active participation and contribution.

Leisure Time

To provide purposeful leisure time to develop safe, healthy, and meaningful interests that will sustain pupils beyond their time with us at Wells Park School.

Mental Health and Well-being

To aspire to the development of each child's happiness and well-being, creating a nurturing environment that positively impacts them as individuals as well as those around them.

Parental Support

To provide support and guidance to parents, empowering them to enable their child’s development.

Medication-Free Learning

To encourage sustained positive behaviour, involvement, and learning without reliance on medication, focusing on therapeutic approaches to support well-being.

Aspirational Outcome

The aspirational outcome for each child is that by the end of their time with us at Wells Park School they successfully transition. 

Ensuring our pupils confidently and successfully move to the most fitting onward provision, building upon the knowledge and life skills they have developed with us. We strive for them to be resilient to adversity, and recognise their innate potential for positive change. 

Together with our staff, governors, and parents, we work collaboratively to fulfil our commitment to providing both care and education of the highest standard.

Wells Park School's Four Golden Rules

As part of our admissions process, Wells Park School introduces children to our Four Golden Rules. These rules form the foundation of our expectations for all pupils at the school. They are reinforced through our behaviour management policy and practice, the Token Economy System, and the relationships between pupils and staff.

Rule 1: Safety First

‘Nobody is allowed to hurt you.’

At Wells Park School, the safety and well-being of our students are paramount. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to any form of harm of violence within our community. We provide a nurturing environment where children can feel protected and secure in the knowledge that the adults will keep them safe.

Rule 2: Respect and Kindness

‘You are not allowed to hurt anybody else.’

We promote a culture of respect, empathy, and kindness within our community. It is essential that everyone at Wells Park School treats others with dignity, compassion, and consideration. We encourage positive interactions and teach students the value of resolving conflicts peacefully.

Rule 3: Enjoyment and Engagement

‘You must have fun.’

We believe that a child’s time with us should be enjoyable and engaging. At Wells Park School, we strive to create an atmosphere where children feel motivated, inspired, and excited. With an emphasis on experience, we aim to ensure that our students find joy and fulfilment in their learning experiences.

Rule 4: Responsibility and Care

‘We look after our school.’

We instil a sense of pride, responsibility, and stewardship in our pupils for their school environment. Teaching children to care for their surroundings fosters a caring attitude, a sense that they are valued and encourages responsible behaviour. We encourage students to take ownership of their school and contribute to its upkeep.


Wells Park School's Four Golden Rules embody our commitment to creating a positive and supportive school environment. By prioritising safety, respect, enjoyment, and responsibility, we lay the foundation for a thriving and inclusive learning community. Through the consistent reinforcement of these rules, we ensure that our pupils develop into responsible, compassionate, and engaged individuals, carrying these qualities with them into their home communities.  

The Token Economy 

The Token Economy system is an effective approach to promoting positive behaviour and fostering growth amongst students. This provides a concise overview of the Token Economy, highlighting its significance in education and its role in facilitating healthy attachment between children and adults.

In education, tokens are shared every ten minutes, while in residential settings, they are shared every 15 minutes. This regular interval, combined with routine, rhythm, and repetition, plays a crucial role in fostering the opportunities for positive development. The structured approach provides stability, predictability, and trust for our students. The consistent patterns and repetition of acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviours within these timeframes build resilience and foster long-term growth. Together, routine, rhythm, repetition, and timely token sharing create an environment that promotes resiliency and well-being.

Positive Reinforcement

At Wells Park, we prioritise recognising and rewarding the good in our pupils. By providing attention, praise, appreciation, or indeed, constructive criticism, we create a supportive learning environment that celebrates their inherent worth. As Eric Berne noted, "A positive stroke is a unit of recognition," and our positive reinforcement acts as those affirming strokes, nurturing the students' self-esteem and motivation.

Immediate Rewards

Immediate rewards play a pivotal role in our approach, as emphasised by Bruce Perry, who states, "By providing immediate feedback and reinforcement for positive behaviours, we create a brain state that is conducive to learning and the development of healthy patterns." Through immediate recognition and rewards for displaying appropriate behaviour, we strengthen the connection between actions and the acknowledgement they receive, motivating and reinforcing a desired behaviour.

Encounters for change

Processes enable opportunities for adults to reflect and come alongside our young pupils. These moments are known within Social Pedagogy as ‘encounters’. Encounters are genuine interactions within a journey that are learning opportunities for individuals involved.

Continuous Behaviour Change

We embrace the concept of continuous behaviour change at Wells Park. By providing opportunities for self-reflection and adjustment, we support students in their ongoing personal growth and development. This aligns with Eric Berne’s view that "change occurs when one becomes what they are, not when they try to become what they are not." Our system fosters an environment where students can authentically grow and align their actions with positive social behaviours.

Active Participation

Active participation is crucial in the Wells Park Token System. We empower students to actively engage in their own behavioural development, promoting ownership, self-reflection, and responsible decision-making. This aligns with the principles of Transactional Analysis, where individuals taking an active role in their growth and transformation is essential. By fostering their active participation, we support their personal growth and development. Hart’s Ladder of Participation highlights the transitions that pupils will undertake in ‘buy in’ to the system once engagement is achieved. This then enables different levels of active decision-making and control. The Token Economy system, when implemented effectively, enables a pupil to move through the different stages into citizenship from the initial stage of ‘manipulation’.

Our culture

The culture and practice at Wells Park School are founded on the following principles:  

  • The importance of establishing a sense of belonging  
  • Developing love for self, others and the world through meaningful relationships  
  • Fostering hope and aspiration  
  • Encouraging joyfulness in living and learning together.  

These ‘foundation stones’ are the basis for all Wells Park School policies. Our approach is designed to ensure the best possible experience of what it means to become a part of our school community. 

At Wells Park School, we uphold a set of 'Non-Negotiables' that guide our practice and create a positive and nurturing learning environment. These principles are essential to our commitment to safeguarding our pupils and promoting their well-being.


  • We establish consistent and fair routines in our classrooms, from the initial meet and greet to engaging challenge activities at the end of each lesson. Our class displays effectively support and celebrate the learning of our students.
  • The relationships between staff and pupils reflect our care and commitment to support the progress and achievement of every child in our school community.


  • Our teaching staff demonstrates a passion for knowledge, enthusiasm, and understanding in the subjects they teach. We fully embed oracy within our lessons and deliver instruction in a thematic, cross-curricular style. Skills and knowledge are developed through engaging 'missions.'
  • We take the time to get to know each child individually, fostering strong relationships based on trust and respect. Staff understand the unique needs of our pupils, and this understanding is reflected in Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).
  • We prioritise the duty of care towards our pupils and demonstrate this through our practice, procedures, and unwavering commitment to the school community.
  • We provide concise and effective feedback to students (in purple pen) so that they understand how to improve. Students are regularly given the opportunity to act on verbal and written feedback (in green pen) during dedicated improvement and reflection time, thereby closing the learning loop.

Hope and aspiration

  • We plan engaging 'missions' that are tailored to meet the needs of our students and align with the National Curriculum. Our lessons are delivered with a sense of challenge, pace, and purpose. Students are given adequate time to internalise knowledge, understanding, and skills throughout the lesson.
  • In every lesson, we share clearly defined learning objectives with our students. We empower them to understand, articulate, and apply their learning. We provide opportunities to develop skills, understanding, and key knowledge.
  • We set high expectations for our students regarding the presentation of their work and their personal conduct. We consistently encourage our pupils to strive for their best and become the best version of themselves.
  • Our teaching staff break down and model learning using examples of work, demonstrations, deconstruction, and discussions. Students develop a deeper understanding of key concepts and make consistent progress over time.


  • We plan differentiated tasks that are appropriate and stimulating to ensure that all students are stretched, challenged, and supported according to their abilities.
  • Students are given opportunities to discuss their learning and celebrate their achievements, as well as the accomplishments of their peers.
  • We use planned, highly effective, and targeted questioning techniques to engage, deepen students' learning, draw upon their prior knowledge, and assess their understanding. Additionally, we also employ a variety of techniques designed to actively assess learning (AFL).
  • We create a positive atmosphere in every lesson by teaching with passion and care. Students are rewarded in accordance with our behaviour management policy (see Token Economy), and we actively praise and celebrate their successes. We emphasise active listening and encourage students to express their thoughts with respect.


The 'Non Negotiables' at Wells Park School serve as guiding principles that shape our interactions, teaching methodologies, and commitment to our students' well-being. By prioritising love, belonging, joy, hope, and aspiration, we create an environment where every child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. These principles are essential in promoting a positive and inclusive learning community.


What People Are Saying About Wells Park School…

Wells Park has been and continues to be a crucial element of Essex’s SEN provision and particularly for boys with social, emotional and mental health needs.  The children and families that Wells Park have supported over the years have benefited enormously from the school’s care, dedication and approach.  The school have risen to every challenge we have given them and are an integral part of our culture.


Ralph Holloway

Head of SEND Strategy and Innovation 2024

Wells Park is a school that ‘lives and breaths’ our Essex approach to understanding behaviour, known as Trauma Perceptive Practice, in order to positively support and improve outcomes for the children. All the staff are highly skilled and effective in using this relationships approach which is apparent throughout the whole school day and across all aspects of the varied curriculum.

Stephen Whitfield

Strategy Lead for SEND Strategy Lead Psychology

Senior Specialist Educational Psychologist

SEND Strategy and Innovation 2024

One childs foster parent said, I feel like my child has won the lottery coming here.
In over 20 years of fostering children, I have never experienced support
like this from
a school. My child has grown in confidence and self
-worth. I have absolutely no
doubt that he is completely safe, healthy and happy when he is here

Ofsted Report 2024


The love and care that are nurtured and modelled by leaders are profound. Staff are
committed to upholding the ethos of the school. Consequently, children have a sense
of belonging, joy and hope. For many, this is a first in an education setting for a very
long time.

Ofsted Report 2024

The adults here really helped me get through my problems.
Pupil Questionnaire

I think I am really going to like this school. I feel safe already.
Pupil statement on admission