Parent / Carers Information
Wells Park School is a residential primary school that caters for children between 5 and 11 years old, who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH). The majority of children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time and are referred to the school by Essex County Council via the Special Educational Needs Operations team, following the approval of an EHCP. The site is based in a semi-rural area of Essex, close to the London Boroughs of Redbridge and Havering.
Wells Park School is committed to creating a structured, safe environment that encourages a positive learning ethos in social interaction and communication, delivered through a balanced, experiential curriculum.
At Wells Park we strive to ensure that each child:
- Reaches their learning potential
- Uses their knowledge and skills independently and with confidence
- Fulfils their capacity for positive social interaction
- Understands and values themselves as members of a community
- Plays an active part in that community.
- Is able to use their leisure time to develop safe, healthy and meaningful interests.
- Aspires to the development of their own happiness and those around them.
These are key performance indicators for the school and pupil progress against them is monitored by both education and care staff.
We aim to work with parents and carers to support them to:
- Enable their children to recover and develop these capacities
- Help their children to sustain their behaviour, social involvement and learning without reliance on medication
The aspirational outcome for each child is:
- The transfer to local or appropriate schooling
- The return to living in their home environment and community is subject to the need to access a suitable educational and social curriculum.
Parent/Carers Information
At Wells Park, we value a strong and supportive relationship with parents and carers. We believe that only by acting together can we ensure the best possible education for each individual student. We provide a number of opportunities throughout the school year when you can come into school to discuss your child’s progress. In addition to the meetings during the Admissions Process, Annual Reviews, Parent Evenings and House evenings, we communicate weekly with parents using a ‘chat book’.
The child’s class Teacher and keyworker give a brief resume of how the week has been and about the week’s events. Parents are encouraged to write news from the weekend which we can share with the children on their return to school. The Family Officer will endeavour to make a regular call to parents to provide an update on how their child is managing. This call also gives parents an opportunity to discuss any matters which they may prefer not to write in the chat book.
We welcome visits by parents who may want to see how the whole day works or make a classroom visit, join in an evening activity or just come to tea. Parents may like to take their child out for tea and then join in an evening activity. We are very flexible but ask that you contact us in advance to make arrangements. Full details about school visits will be given on admission.
The School Day
The majority of children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time and are referred to the school by Essex County Council via the Special Educational Needs Operations team, following the approval of an EHCP.
Day Pupils
Children are collected from home by taxi between 7am and 8.45am, depending on distance to travel and the number of other children sharing vehicle. This will be communicated to you by the transport provider.
A Typical Day | (Monday - Thursday) |
09:00 | School Day Starts |
09:10 | Handwriting / Reading |
09:30 | Phonics |
09:45 | Lesson 1: English |
10:30 | Fruit and Drink |
10:40 | Morning Break |
11:00 | Lesson2: Maths |
11:40 | Maths Whizz |
12:00 | Lunchtime and lunch play |
13:00 | Quiet Reading in Class |
13:45 | Lesson 3 |
14:45 | Lesson 4 |
15:45 | End of School Day |
On Friday, children are in Education from 09:00 to 11:30am. At 11.30am - 12pm they are collected by taxi and taken home.
The residential offer for children is boarding Monday morning until Friday lunchtime. We run a 24-hour curriculum with children in the evening, benefiting from activities they have earned.
A Typical Week | |
Monday |
Children are collected from home by taxi between 7am and 8.45am, depending on distance to travel and the number of other children sharing the vehicle. This will be communicated to you by the transport provider. 09:00 to 15:45 Education time 15:45 onwards Residential time |
Tuesday - Thursday |
07:45 to 09:00 Residential time 09:00 to 15:45 Education time 15:45 onwards Residential time |
Friday |
07:45 to 09:00 Residential time 09:00 to 11:30 Education time 11:30 to 12:00: Children collected by taxi and taken home |
A Typical Day | |
07:45 |
Time to get up |
08:10 | Breakfast |
08:40 |
House Play/Counting Tokens |
09:00 |
School Day Starts |
09:10 |
Lesson 1 |
10:00 | Lesson 2 |
10:30 or 11:00 | Morning Play |
10:55 or 11:15 | Lesson 3 and drink and fruit |
12:40 | Lunchtime and lunch play |
13:40 | Quiet Reading in Class |
13:45 | Lesson 4 |
14:45 | Lesson 5 |
15:45 |
End of School Day |
16:30 |
Token Shop time |
18:30 |
Bath & Shower Time / Dinner time |
19:30 | Watch a film on the house |
20:00 | Bedtime |
School Uniform
Available from the school at cost price:
- Two Sport Polo Tops
- Two Tracksuit Tops
- PE Shorts
- PE Shirt
- PE bag
- Book bag
- Wells Park School Baseball Cap and a Bum Bag.
Please refer to the uniform price list below for exact prices.
For new children starting, you pay for your child’s uniform on their first day at school.
School uniform items that will need to be brought to school:
- One pair of black trainers
- One pair of black plimsols
- One pair of outdoor wellington boots
- A warm outdoor coat
Play/evening clothes that will need to be brought to school for residential pupils:
These clothes will be kept at school and laundered as necessary.
- Six pairs of socks
- Six pairs of pants/underwear
- Two pairs of pyjamas
- One dressing gown
- Three T-shirts
- Three sweatshirts
- Three casual trousers or jogging bottoms
- One coat
- Two swimming trunks
- Two swimming towels
- One pair of trainers (not for school)
- One pair of wellington boots
- One pair of conventional slippers
- One small rucksack / holdall for swimming kit, trips etc.
These clothes will be kept at school and laundered as necessary.
Your child will also need a bag to keep their toiletries in:
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shower gel
- Brush/comb
NB: Sorry – aerosol and spray cans are not permitted for Health & Safety reasons.
Uniform Price List - September 2024
WPS Sweatshirt £11
Adult Size – Small upwards £14
WPS Polo Shirt £9
Adult Size – Small upwards £11
WPS PE T-Shirt £6
Adult Size – Small upwards £7
PE Shorts – Plain Navy £8.25
Adult PE Shorts (size 32+) £9.50
Bum Bag £8
PE Bag £5.50
Baseball Cap £4.15
Book Bag £5.50
Name Tapes £5
You will need to purchase standardized black or grey school trousers which can be bought in most large supermarket stores.
The school is set in several acres of Essex countryside a stone's throw from the Central Line station at Grange Hill.
There is a car park outside the main entrance and further parking is available further down the main drive.
School Meals
You can download and view the pupil's lunch menus at the bottom of this page.
School Tour
The school is set in several acres of Essex countryside a stone's throw from the Central Line station at Grange Hill. The main building is surrounded by green space and is split across two floors, providing living accommodation for our pupils at one end, and their school classrooms at the other. The outside facilities include a playground, an equipped play area, a large playing field, a school farm and a section of private woodland where we have a forest school.
The immediate vicinity is monitored by CCTV, with access to the school grounds being secured by electronic gates.
Educational Facilities
The school has six classrooms, each equipped with a computer, digital camera, audio equipment and interactive screens. The children have use of laptops and iPads, and enjoy a gym, cinema room, heated indoor swimming pool, food technology room, assembly room, music room, family room and an i-Zone library area.
Care Facilities
The residential area has four ‘houses’, located on two floors. Each house has five bedrooms, including one, two and three beds. Children can bring posters, photos and soft toys for their bedrooms to help them feel at home.
The facilities include bathrooms with baths and showers, an open-plan kitchen and a lounge area. The children enjoy large screen TVs, computers, Xboxes, PlayStations and further games in The Youth Club.
Residentially, the pupils also have access to a Children's VIP room, where they can meet visitors, as well as Skype facilities for contacting their family and friends during the school week.
How To Contact Your Child
You can telephone your child between the following times:
3.45pm to 4.30pm & 6.15pm to 7.45pm
House numbers can be found on the inside of your child's red chat book.
Due to activity times, please try and call between 6pm-7:30pm Monday - Wednesday
PS. We advise you not to make regular arrangements to telephone on Thursday evenings as this is a House Night and the children are often out doing special activities with their house group and do not get back until 7.30-8pm
We have Whatsapp and Facetime call facilities in school and if you wish to use them, we can arrange this for you. Please be aware that there may be times when these facilities may not be available due to availability of the room / staffing or connection issues. If this is the case, you can always have a phone call with your child.
Contact with the home is very important to our children. Please try to write at least once a week and encourage other family members to write as well. The children really enjoy receiving letters and cards.
Our address is:
Wells Park School, School Lane, Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6NN
We encourage parents to come and spend time in school once their child has settled in. However, in order for these visits to be successful, it is very important that they are planned in advance. Please arrange this with either the Director of Education or the Director of Care.
A very special day! If your child’s birthday falls on a school day, you can make arrangements with us to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Reading at Home
At Wells Park, reading is a key part of the curriculum. Reading happens all the time in the classroom and in everyday life. It is taught in specific reading and English lessons, but children are constantly practising their reading skills in the wider curriculum. We strive to give the pupils of Wells Park skills for life and these skills are underpinned by being able to read confidently.
What is reading?
Reading is making meaning from print. It requires that we:
- Identify the words in print – a process called word recognition
- Construct an understanding from them – a process called comprehension
- Coordinate identifying words and making meaning so that reading is automatic and accurate – an achievement called fluency
As children move through EYFS and KS1, they develop their skills in decoding. By the time they reach KS2 most children have mastered their phonic skills and the balance moves towards making meaning from the text and developing fluency.
Did you know?
If you can’t read 5% of words in a text the meaning becomes lost. This is why it is so important to read with your child to help them overcome unfamiliar or tricky words, so that they understand what they are reading.
What should parents/carers do at home to support their child’s reading development?
- Encourage the use of Fonetti or Lexia at home. Your child will have been sent home with their pupil's login and passwords, but please do not hesitate to request them if you need them.
- Read at the weekend with your child.
- Listen to your child read. This helps them to develop their fluency.
- Read to your child. This will help them to understand how to use expression to bring stories to life and develop their own voice as readers.
- After listening to them, or reading to them, ask them some of the questions. The discussion you have will be very valuable to their reading development.
- Talk about the meanings of new words.
- For emerging readers, it often helps to read the same book/text more than once.
How you can make reading fun
Make books a part of family life
Always have books around at home. That way you and your children are ready to read, even if it’s only for ten minutes.
Join your local library
Get your child a library card. They’ll be able to get their hands on hundreds of fantastic books, as well as the latest video games, blu-rays and DVDs. Let them choose what they want to read to help them develop their own interests.
Read about something they’re interested in
Help your child find the right book for them. It doesn't matter if it's fiction, poetry, comic books or non-fiction.
All reading is good
Don’t rule out non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines or leaflets. Reading is reading and it’s all worthwhile.
Get comfortable
Snuggle up together somewhere warm and cosy, whether it’s in bed, on a beanbag or on the sofa. And make sure your child has somewhere comfy to read on their own too.
Ask questions
To keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions as you read. Start with ‘Where did we get to last time?’, ‘Can you remember what’s happened so far?’ and 'What do you think will happen next?'.
Read whenever you get the chance
Have a book or magazine with you for any time your child has to wait, like at the doctor's or the dentist.
Read favourites again and again
Encourage your child to re-read the books and poems they love. Re-reading helps to build fluency and confidence.
Enjoy bedtime stories
Read with your kids at bedtime as often as you can. It’s a great way to end the day and to spend valuable time with them.
Make the most of rhyme and repetition
Books and poems with rhymes and repeated words or phrases are great for getting your kids to join in and remember the words.
We look forward to working with you to support both the development and enjoyment of reading for your child.
Supporting your child at home
Staff List
Matthew Surman
Deputy Headteacher
Lisa Bunn
Head of Care
Amy Antoniou
Deputy Head of Care
Paul Johnson
Family Officer & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jenny Walling
Administration Assistant
Samantha Piechulla
School Office Manager
Wendy Stevens
Class Teachers
Chloe Theedom
Tiffany Chapman
Rabail Zakir
Hannah Mills (A)
Sarah Carter (ECT)
PE Instructor
Luke Hammatt (A)
Transition Officer
Liam Benzaken
Night-time Supervisors
Joanna Downes
Jane Jacobs
Irena Curlauskiene
Vilma Masrapoviene
Loreta Zerdickaja
Hollie Cannon
Lara Gross
Gemma Moseley
Sat Walia
Jasmine Sanders
Learning Support Assistants
Jasmine Owide
Georgia Downes
Harry Norman
Maria Oakhill
Julie Robinson
Katie Thorne
Molly Standing
Zoe Barrow
Sabrin Ahmed (A)
Alexander Lawrence (A)
Senior Care Officers
Phil Jellett
Zaine Martin
Joanna Millar
Lauren Shelley
Care Officers
Gintare Juodyte
Mira Korasheva
Phoebe Marshall
Khathjia Akram
Georgia Thompson
Paul Ruddick
Jayne Smart
Chloe Toussaint
Family Child Care Officer
Bailey Finnigan
Catering Manager
Yeliz Raif
Assistant Catering Manager
Maggie Homer
Catering Assistants
Toni Banks
Christine Furness
Jolita Sharp
Kellie Wright
Leaving Wells Park School
At Wells Park, we do all we can to help leavers say goodbye. It is important to everyone in the school to help others leave well. Often, family come in to be part of the ceremony. As part of leaving, all the children and adults share memories and experiences with their friend who is leaving. The grand finale is a ‘Leaving Arch’ where the celebrated leaver runs under the arms of the school members to cheers and applause. Farewells are then said and the family leave as their friends wave them on to their future.
Here are some of the comments from leavers:
Goodbye, and I promise to come back and let you know how I'm getting on.
Goodbye, I will miss you all so much. Wells Park School is great.
Good luck to all my friends that are leaving and those that will still be at Wells Park.
Wells Park has anchored [my son]. He can actually learn and has proven he is a clever little bean. They have given him confidence and goals, and he could actually achieve GCSEs thanks to Wells Park.
Before attending WPS, [our son] was a square peg in a round hole and was often dealt with as a naughty child despite having a statement. WPS has enabled him to learn, make friends and become more rounded.
The school have exceeded our expectations on giving on-going guidance and support. They have listened, supported and guided [our son] and us, resulting in us all benefitting...