
Referrals to our provision come from two different pathways:

1. Secondary Inclusive Practice

Croydon's Secondary Inclusive Practice (SIP) has been used for several years as a mechanism through which schools, with parental consent, can broker managed moves to other mainstream schools or access alternative provision without the need to permanently exclude a pupil. 

2. SEND Consultations

Learners with Special educational needs will be referred to the provision through their local authority SEN team. The needs of each learner varies and our school carefully analyses whether the school environment and curriculum will suit the needs of the learners referred to us. These learners will have an EHCP which will state specific learning needs and what support each learner will require.

We want to provide all learners with the opportunity to be successful in our school and provide bespoke timetables and interventions to meet the needs of learners.

We work closely with other agencies that support a child with an EHCP.

Consultation Email:

Once the placement has been confirmed, our school begins to build positive relationships with the learner and their families. We invite families to come to our site and have a tour and give them an opportunity to ask questions.

Families are supported to complete all the relevant admissions paperwork and then provided with a start date. Working together with parents and carers is one of the most important aspects of our functions. We build and maintain positive relationships with our parents through regular contact via phone or email. We have often supported our families through difficult times and shown we understand their child’s needs and have been sensitive, compassionate and understanding when they have faced challenges.

We have high aspirations for all our learners and expect them to try their best in all areas of their life. We provide learners with opportunities and experiences that will help shape their futures. We aim to inspire our learners to think big, aim high and pursue their dreams.

Making positive choices is the first step to being successful in society.