As a MAT (Multi Academy Trust) special school, the majority of our admissions are coordinated through Croydon Local Authority Education.
Pupils are considered for enrolment to Beckmead Park Academy, if their identified needs presented in their Education, Health and Care Plan matches the provision the school currently offers.
Pupils accepted to the Bramley Bank Alternative provision are admitted through Fair Access processes coordinated through the Local Authority.
Prospective pupils are always encouraged and at times invited, to visit the selected site/schools, with an appropriate /significant adult, be that a parent, teacher or any other professional or family member. Subsequent visits to the sites/school may be arranged before a school place is offered, if this is deemed appropriate and if a place is available.
After a place has been offered and accepted, an induction with the pupil, their family, significant adult or linked professional will take place.
The induction process includes:
- A risk assessment, for both pupil and school
- Outline of school rules & expectations
- Assessments in literacy & numeracy
- Holistic Assessment
- Signing of the home school agreement
- School jumper supplied
- Q & A for parents/carers, children & staff
Following the completion of the risk assessment, it may be more suitable for some pupils to start at Beckmead Park Academy on a reduced timetable, so that their transition into our setting can be as seamless as possible. The reduced timetable is only a short term measure that gradually builds in duration, when the pupil is successfully and willingly accessing more time in school.
We work extremely closely with the Local Authority, so that any decisions on a placement for a pupil with an Education Health and Care Plan, reflect the individual circumstances of each child and the school.