Our ethos and aims for all of our pupils

At Beckmead Park Academy, we strive to enable our pupils to gain the skills, confidence and opportunities needed to transition to secondary education, pursue meaningful post-16 training and work opportunities. All staff aim to meet the range of pupils' needs and actively promote harmonious relationships in all areas of school life. We endeavour to support our pupils to make positive contributions to our society.

Beckmead Park Academy is a place where all members of the community can feel emotionally and physically safe. Boundaries and expectations both in and around the school are clear and this is maintained by well-trained staff who are fully equipped to facilitate an intuitive, nurturing and emotionally available environment for the children and young people entrusted to their care. The environment contains resources that are attuned to developing the therapeutic approach needed when working with traumatised, disaffected, withdrawn and detached children.

Beckmead Park Academy is at the centre of a vibrant, multi-agency network that offers solutions and support to the pupils, their families and the communities they live in, so they can achieve their full potential. Opportunities for academic, sporting, vocational and social growth are offered throughout school. The care and education offered by Beckmead Park Academy ensures that the children who progress and graduate from school have the appropriate life, social and emotional skills as well as authentic self-belief, to care for themselves and others, gain long-term employment and lead fulfilled adult lives that are happy, healthy and successful.

Beckmead Park Academy has three core aims for its pupils:

To be able to develop effective communication skills in accordance with their needs
To develop a sense of self-awareness and the use of social skills to enhance their growth as individuals
To gain the skills, knowledge and qualifications required to become successful, independent and positive members of society