Curriculum Overview
At BPA our curriculum is built to support our learners to achieve our ‘Building Positive Aspirations’ goal. All areas of the curriculum are carefully considered and evaluated to ensure they meet the following criteria:
- Nurturing – Our nurture policy is the foundation from which our school and its curriculum is built. We ensure all curriculum has the ability to meet our targets for nurture, as we understand that this gives our learners the best opportunity to thrive
- Meaningful – all qualifications and programmes of study must end in meaningful outcomes so that our pupils leave with an education which can support their transition into their next steps, whether that be a return to mainstream education, a new specialist provision or for our older pupils a career
- Adaptable – whilst we understand all curricula follow core principles, some are easier to adapt to the needs of our cohorts than others. We consistently review our curriculum to see that it is best suited for the types of differentiation which facilitate academic progress for our learners
- Engaging– we want our curriculum to foster a love of learning many of our cohort have lost on their journey to us. We want our pupils to experience success in a learning environment and the best way to achieve this is that our lessons and curriculum are relevant and engaging for our cohort.
- Presents Opportunities – we understand that our curriculum needs to prepare our cohort for the real world. As such we look to ensure that as many opportunities as possible are built in for real world experiences linked to our curriculum, these include a dedication to embedding careers related learning throughout our curriculum
- Facilitates Social Progress – at our core, pupils at BPA have social needs, we therefore feel it is mandatory that our curriculum has embedded opportunities and strategies to develop the social and regulatory skills of our pupils which are so important to facilitate their successful
Curriculum Delivery
Overall our curriculum aims to deliver the same outcomes at each NC Year group and, whilst they share a core purpose, each site will differentiate its implementation to best meet the needs of their cohorts.
All subjects have a lead professional who will have an overview of central planning and act as a conduit for the sharing of resources and good practices.
Data is collected regularly at a school-based level and subject/class specific interventions will be put in place as a result of this, to ensure good progress is made by all learners.
Key Stage 1 & 2 (KS1 & KS2) Subject Overviews
Pupils follow the Twinkle Phonics scheme which is taught throughout our KS1 classes and in some KS2 classes. Twinkle Phonics is the dedicated phonics programme, a core reading programme that we use for independent and group reading from Reception to Year 6.
The programme is a balanced approach to the teaching of reading using synthetic phonics. It simultaneously teaches the segmentation of words for spelling, and develops phonemic awareness skills.
Pupils follow the appropriate phase of phonic activities and games through their individualised interventions and phonics sessions. Where appropriate for their individual learning style, pupils use a whole word reading approach to learning new words and sentences. Each pupil has multisensory individualised interventions to support their reading and may include programmes Toe by Toe and Precision Teaching.
A love of reading and sharing quality texts is at the heart of our approach to literacy, and we hold lots of events to celebrate and enjoy reading such as reading breakfasts, reading themed assemblies, reading competitions, Book Week, Poetry Week and daily story time.
Our whole-school approach to writing is based on high quality literature using adapted versions of Wordsmith and Big Write.
Wordsmith teaches literacy through using high quality books and creative teaching approaches such as art and drama. This approach aims to engage and motivate children in their learning and also enables children to deepen their understanding of texts, providing meaningful contexts for writing. Reading aloud is also a key part of the English lessons. The strategy enables all children to access quality texts and enables the teacher to model expressive and fluent reading to the children.
The Big Write (or Big Writing) is a whole-school teaching approach that aims to improve pupils' overall standard of writing. Big Write fundamentally teaches children how to be writers – not just how to write. It supports children to be able to generate ideas, draw upon their reading and write confidently for a variety of audiences and purposes. The aim of the Big Write is to transform children into independent and expert writers by focusing on the basic English skills of grammar, handwriting, spelling and punctuation (GHASP), and the main aspects of quality writing known as VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation).
Over a number of years, children gradually build their bank of well-known texts, supplemented by picture books, novels, poems and non-fiction books. Gradually, this living library of language begins to equip the children with the words they need to express themselves.
We follow the Abacus Mathematics Programme which covers all aspects of the National Curriculum.
All areas of maths are covered within this scheme including calculation, data handling, shape and space, geometry, measurement and mental maths. Children are regularly taught problem-solving skills and given the opportunities to apply these to real-life contexts.
We use practical activities, hands-on resources, visual examples, mathematical games and problem-solving activities to develop fluency of mathematical and reasoning skills. Whole School maths challenges take place each term and include real life problems which motivate, enthuse and celebrate the using and applying of many mathematical skills.
Where necessary our children use multisensory individualised interventions to support them to develop key skills in maths.
Our scheme of work is ‘Science Bug’, by Active Learn. The scheme of work ensures full coverage of the National Curriculum and fosters a sense of wonder about natural phenomena. We want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them, so they are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills to work scientifically, including questioning, researching and observing for themselves. Scientific language is taught and built upon as topics are revisited in different year groups and across key stages. Each year, we take part in a whole school Science week based upon different topics such as Famous Women in Science or Sensory Science. We explore the topic through a range of hands-on and fun science experiments.
We use the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Y1-Y6 to support us in the Teaching and Learning for Computing and ensuring consistency and progression across the school. Purple Mash offers opportunities for children to complete cross curricular work, helping to embed their Computing skills at every opportunity. The learning is practical and engaging and covers a broad range of computing modules such as coding, spreadsheets, Internet and Email, Databases, Communication networks, touch typing, animation and online safety.
Our History curriculum is mapped against the National Curriculum 2014 and enables children to develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. Each history topic supports children to understand where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods. Children continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods which they study.
Through the 2014 National Curriculum framework, Geography is taught using a topic-based approach and aims to support the pupils’ skills. Each geography topic has a linked ‘eco’ question and project, as well as high-quality texts to help explore the different themes. Children participate in activities which help them develop a greater understanding of their place in the world, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. We maximise children's Geography learning through providing them with a range of rich and memorable experiences such as trips to local parks, visits to our local market and various other visits to places of interest linked to the geography theme.
Each class participates in weekly cooking sessions which teach the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Our children learn how to cook safely and become independent in this crucial life skill. They also learn to enjoy different foods, explore tastes and textures, expanding their tolerance of different foods and developing a more balanced diet.
PSHE encompasses many areas of our curriculum at Beckmead Park Academy. Our curriculum reflects the needs of our pupils and supports them to develop skills and knowledge to make safe and informed decisions.
We provide lots of opportunities for our children to develop their confidence and self-esteem, to think creatively, to take risks, to work independently and collaboratively, and to respect others.
We recognise that building and maintaining healthy relationships is often a challenge for many of our children, so supporting pupils in this aspect of life is key. Our relationships' education teaches children about positive relationships, with a focus on friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.
The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to our pupils is at the centre of our curriculum but is primarily woven through our positive and nurturing ethos. While Fundamental British Values are taught during discreet lessons, we model them in daily management, organisation and interactions.
Some Beckmead Park Academy sites are having weekly Zippy’s Friends sessions, which is a school-based social emotional learning programme for 5-7 year olds. The fundamental concept behind the programme is very simple – if we can teach young children how to cope with difficulties, they should be better able to handle problems and crises in adolescence and later life. 9 – 11 year olds are having Passport sessions, which is a school-based social emotional learning programme. Children develop their own positive strategies to deal with problems through engaging activities: reading the comic strips, discussion, role-play and games.
Children develop their own positive strategies to deal with problems through engaging activities: listening to stories, discussion, games, role-play and drawing.
Our health education aims to teach children to understand physical and emotional wellbeing, so they can make good decisions about their health and explores how our physical and emotional health are linked. We teach our children that keeping healthy is not just about doing regular exercise. Our children are taught self-regulation strategies through the PSHE Association programme. This allows them to develop the necessary skills to identify how they feel and what they need to do to help them feel ‘just right’.
Social skills are taught discreetly through circle time and are also embedded in all areas of school life.
At Beckmead Park Academy, ‘Art is the sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leaves a manifold impression in us’.—Claude Debussy
We know that art is a fantastic way for all children to be creative, express themselves and to explore different materials. Therefore, art is built into all areas of the curriculum and is also celebrated through termly ‘Art Weeks’ where children focus on a key artist or style. We enjoy celebrating the art we create through displays, assemblies and art galleries.
Our PE curriculum sets out the half-termly focus to ensure that children access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, both individually and with others. Within each unit of learning, all children are taught a different sport or physical activity. Within PE lessons, children not only learn physical skills, but life skills such as team work, collaboration and communication. They also learn how to be resilient, determined and to evaluate and recognise their own success.
Some classes are given the opportunity to attend weekly swimming lessons. Classes also have the opportunity to go to Frylands, and take part in outdoor learning opportunities such as orienteering, natural art, discovering wildlife and building shelters. At the end of the year the children take part in activities such as wall climbing and doing the assault course.
Beckmead Park Academy we follow the guidance set out in the Croydon RE syllabus to help our children gain knowledge and understanding of a variety of religions. We learn from others and visit places of worship in the local community. Through our RE curriculum our children develop a sense of identity and belonging which promotes respectful and sensitive attitudes to others with the aim of creating a culture of acceptance, tolerance and understanding.
Key Stage 3 & 4 (KS3 & KS4) Subject Overviews
Our KS3 curriculum includes engaging English lessons established around a specific text to read and analyse as a class. We explore traditional texts, poetry, Shakespeare as well as various different genres enabling the students to articulate their responses and develop analytical skills.
Our KS3 lessons are tailored and differentiated to support our cohort of pupils, many of whom have extensive gaps in their reading and writing. Individualised interventions focus on SPaG sessions, comprehension skills and reading. 1: 1 reading interventions are implemented for pupils who find reading difficult or readers with dyslexic difficulties.
Our aim at Beckmead Park Academy is to nurture a passion for English and enrich our learners with the experience of writing and reading, listening, and speaking skills. We also celebrate special events such as World Book Day, Poetry week and Roald Dahl Day.
In Key stage 4 all students will be taking an English qualification and based on their particular needs they will follow one or more of the pathways outlined below:
GCSE English Language - AQA
The GCSE course gets students to explore creative reading and writing, look at the Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives and includes a non-exam assessment as well as formal exams.
Entry Level English Language ‘Step Up’ - AQA
This qualification sits alongside the GCSE English Language so has the ability to be co-taught. This supports our differentiation at KS4.
Functional Skills English Level 1 / 2 - City & Guilds
The English Functional Skills qualifications are designed to equip learners with skills such as comparing the ideas and presentation of texts, writing for a specified audience and purpose, and communicating and adapting language. They’re assessed in three units (Speaking, Listening and Communication; Reading; and Writing).
In KS3 we follow the Mymaths scheme including digital elements that are completed interactively online. All maths teaching is supplemented with a range of practical activities to reinforce learning.
The areas of maths covered within this scheme include number, geometry, algebra, statistics, ratio and functional maths. Children are regularly taught problem-solving skills and given the opportunities to apply these to real-life contexts. In addition to daily math lessons, we deliver individual intervention tasks involving number, sequences, place value, times tables, mental maths, using four operations (+, -, /, x) to fill in any learning gaps our students may have.
In Key Stage 4 Maths, like English, is based upon students particular needs they will follow one or more of the pathways outlined below:
GCSE Maths - Edexcel
The GCSE course is built to enable students to develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems. Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions as well as comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.
Functional Skills Maths Level 1 / 2 – City and Guilds
The Maths Functional Skills qualifications are designed to develop the learner’s ability to represent situations using mathematics, analyse calculations, solve problems and interpret mathematics to explain situations. They’re assessed in a single, external test.
Entry Level Maths - City and Guilds
The Maths Entry Level Certificate provides basic and relevant mathematical skills and is suitable for students of all ages. It can build confidence in maths, especially with lower ability students. The assessment is on demand, so students can complete assignments when they’re ready, helping to keep them motivated.
Science is an innovative and engaging subject that encompasses learning across the three disciplines; Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
At KS3, we follow the Kerboodle Science Programme of Study that covers all elements of the National Curriculum. In Biology, areas such as Cells, Structure and Function of the Human Body Systems, Health and Lifestyle, Ecosystem Processes, Adaptation and Inheritance are studied in detail. Chemistry topics such as Particles and their behaviour, The Periodic Table, Acids and Alkalis are explored through practical investigations. In Physics, pupils discover their physical environment through topics such as Forces, Sound, Light, Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, which incorporate multisensory activities for a better understanding of concepts and content. With this knowledge gained at this key stage, pupils are equipped with the foundational skills and knowledge that is transferred to KS4, post 16 and beyond.
At KS4, we study the AQA qualification and pupils are given the opportunity to gain two Science Qualifications namely, Entry Level Science (Single/Double Award), GCSE Single Award Biology.
We continue to inspire and engage pupils with learning beyond the classroom through different outreach activities throughout the year.
In KS3 History, the topic taught, focuses on some of the most significant moments in British and World History. Students are taught to find out about what happened in the past. Through a critical examination of the primary sources, students develop their historical skills and their ability to uncover the truth. The overriding aim of the study of History is for students to emerge as well-rounded, knowledgeable citizens. We ensure the teaching of history is fun and learning is supported through a wide range of exciting, interactive activities which bring the past to life.
In KS3 we aim to study the key geographical processes that are shaping our world. Students are given opportunities to investigate both human and physical topics, such as Rivers, Ecosystems and Wealth. The study of places is also fundamental and students find out about a range of diverse locations. At its heart, Geography is about understanding how to safeguard the world. Students are taught to focus on climate change, sustainable development and environmental protection. Pupils are encouraged to see that we are all responsible for our planet and its future.
In KS3, pupils are taught about hardware, computer systems and the World Wide Web in conjunction with basic programming platforms which spark their creative digital skills. Alongside our KS3 ICT curriculum, we regularly deliver online safety sessions and adapt these to meet the needs of all pupils.
In KS4 pupils have the opportunity to access the City & Guilds Functional Skills Qualifications, which run from Entry Level right through to Level 2.
At KS3 all lessons have a focus on:
Skill Development – Nurturing the fundamental and advanced skills to competently perform in a broad spectrum of sporting activities. We also place great emphasis on creating a safe space for our pupils, with the support of adults, to develop and apply their social communication, interaction and understanding skills.
Increase students' understanding of the positive benefits of exercise and a balanced diet.
Where viable, pupils will be offered the opportunity at KS3 to use their PE lessons to learn to swim.
At KS4, PE lessons focus on pupils' health and encouraging positive behaviour in adult life.
At Beckmead Park Academy we follow the guidance set out in the Croydon RE syllabus to help our children gain knowledge and understanding of a variety of religions and spiritual practices. The syllabus places great emphasis on enquiry-based learning and there are many opportunities for pupils to pose questions and undertake research of their own. Through our RE curriculum, our children develop a sense of identity and belonging which promotes respectful and sensitive attitudes to others with the aim of creating a culture of acceptance, tolerance and understanding.
KS3 Art provides students with a wide range of stimulating and creative opportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevant and developmental in nature.
The course encourages students to build creative skills through learning and doing, and to develop imaginative and intuitive ways of working. It will help students to develop a broad knowledge and understanding of media, materials and technologies in different historical and contemporary contexts.
In KS4, pupils will have the opportunity of taking an Art GCSE at Beckmead College. This follows the Fine Art AQA syllabus.
Each class participates in weekly cooking sessions which teach the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Pupils learn how to cook safely and become independent in this crucial life skill. They also learn to enjoy different foods, explore tastes and textures, expanding their tolerance of different foods and developing a more balanced diet.
At KS4 pupils are given the opportunity to complete a BTEC in Home Cooking Skills which will provide them with a greater variety of cooking skills to support them in later life, whilst also potentially giving them the access to a skill set to support their entry into the catering education or training post 16.
PSHE encompasses many areas of our curriculum at Beckmead Park Academy. Our curriculum reflects the needs of our pupils and supports them to develop skills and knowledge to make safe and informed decisions.
We provide lots of opportunities for our children to develop their confidence and self-esteem, to think creatively, to take risks, to work independently and collaboratively, and to respect others.
We recognise that building and maintaining healthy relationships is often a challenge for many of our children, so supporting pupils in this aspect of life is key. Our relationships education teaches children about positive relationships, with a focus on friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.
The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to our pupils is at the centre of our curriculum but is primarily woven through our positive and nurturing ethos. While Fundamental British Values are taught during discreet lessons, we model them in daily management, organisation and interactions.
Our health education aims to teach children to understand physical and emotional wellbeing so they can make good decisions about their health and explores how our physical and emotional health are linked. We teach our children that keeping healthy is not just about doing regular exercise.
Social skills are taught discreetly through circle time and are also embedded in all areas of school life.
In addition to stand-alone lessons of PSHE, each class has nurture time where classes offer bespoke support based on the specific and often changing needs of their pupils to support their development and to help them gain skills needed to thrive in adult life.
At KS4, pupils will complete the ASDAN PSD qualification to support their PSHE experience and prepare them for adult life.
Vocational Learning
Monks Road Site
To support the Monks Orchard Road Yr9 pupils transition to Beckmead College in Yr10, they access vocational lessons for half a day on a weekly basis. At the college pupils participate in a carousel of subjects taught by vocational instructors. The areas taught include carpentry, bricklaying, painting and decorating and multi-skills.The learning focuses on practical skills which will support them throughout life. It is a hands-on course that is built to deliver the skills students need to be able to make a start in any one of the trades by providing essential experiences and opening up pathways to further vocational qualifications.
Tharreo House
Pupils are given the opportunity to study Hair & Beauty using the on-site salon. The skills built here help to develop pupils' understanding of good hair hygiene and also can be used to support gaining City & Guilds qualifications which are professionally recognised.
As part of our KS4 offer, all students attend Beckmead College for half a day a week in Yr 10 and 11. The college represents a different, more adult place of learning where our students can get a taste for Post 16 learning and acquire skills to prepare them for life as well as potentially their next transition.
At college, students participate in a carousel of disciplines taught by vocational instructors. The areas taught include carpentry, bricklaying, painting and decorating, multi-skills and catering. The learning focuses on practical skills. It is a hands-on course that is built to deliver the skills students need to be able to make a start in any one of the trades by providing essential experience and opening up pathways to further vocational qualifications.
Careers Guidance
Click the button below to download our Careers Programme.
If you require any further information regarding our careers programme and strategy, please contact, Vilma Kavaliauske (careers Lead) on 0208 777 9311 or via email: